A quality healthcare can be defined as the level of value which is provided by a health care resource. It is an evaluation of the worth of the suitability of the service provided, and if it meets the purpose for its creation or not. T
he aim of a healthcare is to ensure that medical resources having high quality, are provided to people who need them.
Hence, this provision will ensure that, the quality of life is improved, illnesses are cured, and life expectancy is on the increase. Researchers have been able to come up with diverse quality measures which would be used to determine the quality of healthcare, which includes the following:
- Therapy reduction counts
- Reduction in the prevalence of diseases as recognized by medical diagnosis
- Reduction in the number of risk factors with preventive care in place
- Health indicators survey in a population
There are some basic features which some people would expect a healthcare system to have.
First off, it is expected that the healthcare facility or hospital in this case, would always be clean. People are attracted by the surroundings and atmosphere which a healthcare facility comes with, and it goes a long way to determining how well they would cope when they are receiving treatment.
In addition to this, it is expected that the healthcare facility would always give correct diagnosis and not wrong ones. Making this mistake could cost the lives of an individual, and it is a strong indicative marker of how professional the healthcare facility is.
Also, it is expected that the healthcare facility comes with a friendly and humorous staff, people who would make you feel at home. These set of people are always available to cheer you up in down times.
There are two diverse levels on which the assessment of healthcare quality might occur, and they are the individual patient and the population. The individual patient level is referred to as the micro-level, and it makes its assessment based on the services and the resulting effects.
The population level which is referred to as the macro-level, makes its assessment based on indicators such as mortality rates, life expectancy, prevalence and incidence of health problems and a host of others.